Topps, a renowned name in the trading card industry, is making a significant splash with its latest venture into the world of tennis cards. Taking a bold step into a sector often overshadowed in the hobby, the company is set to launch its very first tennis-specific brand, Topps Graphite Tennis, on a noteworthy date—Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024.
The name “Graphite” itself serves as a fitting homage to the very material that constitutes the core of professional tennis racquets, injecting a touch of science into the product’s essence. Departing from the conventional Superfractor, the line introduces a unique 1/1 Red Crystalline Refractor, mirroring the crystalline structure of graphite itself. This clever touch not only honors the technological prowess of the sport but also offers a distinctive twist to Topps’ extensive lineup.
The set boasts an impressive 200-card base checklist, featuring burgeoning talents like Mirra Andreeva and Ben Shelton. Promising three hits per hobby box, each box includes a relic autograph and an additional autograph. The inclusion of tennis icons such as Andre Agassi, Bjorn Borg, Pete Sampras, Billie Jean King, and Chris Evert as signers adds a significant allure for both avid collectors and fans alike.
Priced at $149.99 per hobby box containing 20 cards, the set offers a glimpse into a world of collecting delight. Common Refractors are distributed at an approximate rate of one per four packs, while the lineup of rarer parallels, such as Aqua, Green, Blue, Gold, Pink, White, and the coveted Red Crystalline, are limited to 200 copies or less. The insert series, including the unique Active Metal and All Metal cards, maintains the elemental motif by featuring cards crafted from authentic metal. The rarest of them all, the Intricate Images inserts, present a portrait-style design and stand as the ultimate grail for passionate collectors.
Through this groundbreaking release, Topps is significantly broadening its horizons within the realm of tennis, presenting collectors with a meticulously crafted product that seamlessly blends elements of science, sports, and sophisticated design. While the ultimate reception of Topps Graphite Tennis remains to be seen, the buzz surrounding its impending launch is undeniably palpable, sparking a renewed wave of excitement within the thriving hobby community.